Experts expect A virtual assistant device with voice commands and artificial intelligence. Will be one of the hottest trends this yearIT experts reveal market of "digital assistant" devices with voice command technology to be strong this year. Expected to grow almost twice in the USA group of researchers at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas said on Sunday: A virtual assistant equipped with voice command slotxo technology and artificial intelligence. Like a smart speaker Cars or robots equipped with the Amazon Alexa system. Microsoft's Google Assistants and Cortana Will become one of the hottest trends this year.Lesley Rohbaugh and Steve Koenig of the Consumer Technology Association predicted that Sales of smart speakers in the United States will nearly double the year-on-year to $ 3.8 billion. Ready to say "This market is not just getting hotter. But spread quickly into a wildfire ever "

However, experts predict that The popularity of these digital assistant systems This allows consumers to order things, choose music and find information without wiggling their fingers. This will increase the pressure on manufacturers to find ways to provide customers with a wider range of interactions with these devices.

While artificial intelligence (AI) will be developed to be able to think like people. Predict your needs and talk more effectively. Which Rohboh said “We'll be able to really talk to our AI devices. AI will know you and you can trust it. "